Art commissions (2020)

See all of the commissions I've completed and made into an art booklet during 2020!

Table of Contents

  1. Commissions Over The Months…
  2. Dealing With Clients - What I Did, Broken Down
  3. Commission Booklet

Back in late July of 2020, I decided I wanted to begin doing commissions. It was quite nervewrecking to do, as I still had a lot of things I wanted to learn, and get more confident at doing, so doing commissions was a great opportunity for me to study art a bit more in depth, and improve!

Overall, opening up commissions for the first time during this year has taught me a lot of new things, like new drawing skills, how to work with clients, how to manage my own freelance business and how to prepare, package and post artwork prints.

In this blog, I will be showcasing the commissions which I have done (and have had permission to post) throughout the year, as well as talking and showcasing the process for some of these.

Commissions Over The Months...

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July / August / September / October / November / December

Commissions aren’t something I began at the beginning of the year, I started my first commission at the end of July, making it just under 6 months of commission work for this year.

The good thing about this, is if I’m having a busy month, I don’t have to take on as many clients, I’m my own boss, so I can work at my own rate!

July - 1x Commission

August / September / October / November / December

I got 1 commission in July, and this was from a friend. It was scary at first, but thanks to the success of this commission, I was confident enough to carry on with others.

Commission For A Friend

August - 16x Commissions

July / September / October / November / December

This month is where things really kicked off, I made a few commission sheets, and then got a lot of responses from them! This month was crucial to learn about how to deal with a lot of clients at once

Character Sheet Commission for Ashlee

I began Ashlee’s character sheet with research

Clothing Research
Clothing Research

These images came from a Pintrest board that we put together, we discussed what we wanted the characters personality to be like and how we should dress him.

For the next stage, I done lots of sketching concepts of characters! These concepts were very loose. For all of these pages, I drew up multiple unique outfits for new characters based on the research which I've done with Ashlee.
Ashlee decided on a final design, and this was a mix of a few other designs. From here we went straight onto colour studies to try and figure out what the best colours would be for this character.
Colour Studies
Colour Studies
Then a final colour theme was picked, and a concept sheet was made!
Final Character Sheet
Final Character Sheet

Half Body Commission for DSharp

Full Body Commission for Pencoin

For this commission, I was doing an illustation of two characters from the game Drakengard.
Me and Pencoin used Pinterest to help us come up with an idea for the pose
Here is the sketch and lineart for the piece:
And then I worked on the final piece, and made 2 different variations, they depict different stories.

Character Sheet Commission for Jessica

Again, this character sheet began with research.
Clothing & Hair Research
Clothing & Hair Research
These images came from a Pinterest board that me and Jess made together, I gathered lots of reference pictures from the description of the character which Jessica gave me.
I then done a sketch, and some colour studies for the character, along with an extra outfit with colour studies as well.
Jessica then picked her favourite colours for the character, and then I finished up the sheet.
Finished Piece
Finished Piece

Character Sheet Commission for Jessica (2)

Jessica commissioned me again!
This character sheet began with research from a board which was made with images we both collected on Pinterest.
Once we had discussed the study sheet, I drew a sketch of the character, and then some colour studies and a final character sheet.

Character Sheet Commission for Tyler

Tylers commission began with sketches of the full body and the headshot. His character was already made so he just wanted a character sheet.
This is the final design sheet.

Bust Commission for Itenz

Itenz has my help designing the character, except he wanted this to be a bust shot commission instead of a character sheet. We began with the study sheet.
I drew a sketch of the head and we done some colour studies, and a final colour was picked.
Colour Studies & Final Piece
Colour Studies & Final Piece

Character Sheet Commission for Monetic

This commission started out with a pinterest board, and a very detailed description of the character which was described in a voice call. Sketches were then done next.
We moved onto colour studies next, trying out a bunch of different colours to see what looked the best.
Colour Studies
Colour Studies
Some colours were chosen, and then I finished the character sheet.

Bust Commission for ShadowLink

Bust Commission for I-Main-Raven

Bust Commission for Eve

Bust Commission for GeorgiaNinja

Bust Commission for Carlos

Full Body Commission for MasterR50

This commission started with a detailed description and a Pinterest board, the study sheet was made with the description in mind.
Outfit Research
Outfit Research
I started the sketch, and then moved onto colour studies for the outfit. We knew we wanted to stick to a purple colour scheme though.
Sketches & Colour Studies
Sketches & Colour Studies
He then wanted 2 more pieces which I done the sketches for.
These pieces will be the same character, but in a different outfit.

September - 8x Commissions

July / August / October / November / December

This is the month that I was starting my first year of University, I was using my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 to draw, and travelling a lot back and forth between my home and University Accomodation to move my stuff, so considering how busy I was, I did quite a few commissions!

Bust Commission for Covygrunt

This commission was exciting for me to do as I was drawing a character I knew!

Half Body Commission for Erston

For this commission we started with a pinterest board and lots of different colour ideas!
Colour Studies
Colour Studies
After some discussion with Erston, a final colour scheme was picked, and I made the final piece.

Character Sheet Commission for Dixeyja

This character sheet was for an already made character, so I began with drawing the character sketches.
This is the finished character sheet

Full Body Commission for Kirin

Full Body Commission for Doug

The brief for this commission was to make Doug's girlfriend into a character, I found this so much fun to do!
I started with research.
Once we had discussed the research, I moved onto the sketch, lineart and *many* colour studies for the character.
We chatted about the colour studies, and doug picked out his favourite parts. I then made a final piece for him.
The main reason why I began selling prints in December was because of this commission.
Doug printed out this commission to give to his girlfriend for her birthday, and it made me really happy seeing her reaction!
She even recognized straight away that it was a drawing of herself!

Bust Commission for Itenz (2)

Full Body Commission for WolfBane77

Full Body Commission for Trisaratops

October - 2x Commissions

July / August / September / November / December

University caught up on me during October and November, as I was starting the course, there was lots of work assigned and new stuff to study! So, I didn’t so as many commissions

Half Body Commission for Emmie

Character Sheet Commission for Sammy

November - 2x Commissions

July / August / September / October / December

Full Body Commission for Pencoin (2)

Half Body Commission for Somewhat

December - 8x Commissions

July / August / September / October / November

During this month, I began offering and selling physical A3 and A4 prints of commissions, this was really exciting, and helped me learn about all things printing and posting!

Full Body Commission for GeorgiaNinja (2)

Half Body Commission for Jace

Half Body Commission for Jenn

Full Body Commission for MasterR50 (2)

Half Body Commission for Ryugha

Half Body Commission for Samuel

Full Body Commission for Paige

Dealing With Clients - What I Did, Broken Down

Commission Booklet